Tuesday, December 7, 2010

CIA's First Downtown Show!

The Carleton Improv Association is going to perform its first downtown bar show this January!

The event will be taking place at Pier 21 on the 14th of January, the start time is still to be determined. The event will be, I assume, 19+ but anyone who comes can get drunk with the team afterwards. Who knows, maybe some lucky lady will take home one of the CIA's most desired men Tom Lando and Chris Henn? It's all in the hair.

Tickets will be available soon and information on how to get them will go up ASAP! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our existence is Improv-ing

Improv is making a name for itself at Carleton.

Besides a rocky first show and not really picking up our heels when it comes to getting out there, the Carleton Improv Association is finally coming into it's own.

Suffering from relative obscurity outside of our friend groups, the Improv Association is a hard thing to find if you don't know where to look. We're not an official CUSA club and so don't appear on the official list of clubs and societies at Carleton. Despite this, things are looking up.

The CIA will finally be on the Co-Curricular Record website which will allow members to add us to their transcript, and it will make us easier for other people to find. Membership has increased by 4 in the past 2 weeks which is an increase of almost 25%.

Aside from our regular shows (which I mean to make happen every month from now on) the Improv Association has enjoyed a brief but fun and enlightening experiment in merging Improv and Architecture. This experiment may prove to change the way our shows are conducted from now on.

The CIA is also enjoying two new positions: Vice President - External and Videographer. These positions are as of yet unfilled but recognition will be made in the near future. Do not be surprised to see advertisements around campus shortly.

As always Improv is a blast even just in practice, and I encourage everyone to come and try their hand. If not come check out our shows, each one different and more interesting than the next.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010



The time has come at last that a new year starts at Carleton University, which means a whole new year of improv. I'm expecting a really good turnout of new members this year. Last year we had 9 or 10 regulars who came every week, and I think that was a great number for shows and to get to know each other really well.

I would however love more people! The more the merrier as they say. I'm always looking to learn new games, new styles and new people. Having grown up doing improv in Amsterdam I am personally not as familiar with such styles as the CIG or Mon-prov (Montreal Improv) and people looking for that style of improv may be disappointed at first with our little rag-tag group of improvers. HOWEVER, fear not. The Carleton Improv Association is always looking to learn and incorporate any new kinds of improv to our club.

Dangerprov seemed to go over really well last year (my apologies to Paul and Scott).

At any rate, practices will continue to be every Saturday from 2pm - 4pm. We meet in the Atrium (top floor of University Center) and generally relocate to a vacant classroom. Our first practice for returning members will be this Saturday, the 4th of September so we can all catch up and discuss the direction of the team for next year. Our first open practice will be the following week, September the 11th.... hmmm...

As I was saying the first open meeting will be on the 11th and will go from 2pm to 5pm. A little longer than usual but that gives us more time to get to know each other and of course have fun.

A last minute disclaimer. Our team is not what you would call politically correct. This isn't to say we are racist or intolerant in any way, quite the opposite. So long as you're not slinging racial slurs around it's alright by us.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Thank Blade we have a website


I found out last week from a prospective member that we have a website. I was astonished.
I was handed the keys to the Carleton Improv Association at the end of the 2008/2009 school year. I had NO IDEA we had a website, and as such it hasn't been updated in 2 years. But now it will be.

As a way to advertise shows and attract new members or even people who just want to try their hand at improv once to get a feel for it, the website will be updated more frequently. I can't say it'll be a weekly thing but if there's big news then rest assured it'll be on here.

So just to recap, the Carleton Improv Association IS still around and we WILL be having practices starting in the new 2010/2011 school year. I am also considering having a few summer pracitces for (prospective) members that are in Ottawa during the month of July.

Looking forward to the new year!
