2010/2011 CIA Members

The Carleton Improv Association is a motley crew of misfits and rogues of all ages and backgrounds. We all have our different styles and jokes, but if there's one thing that unites us it's our shared love of punting infants.

The 2010/2011 Carleton Improv Association is:

John Piekoszewski - President
Commander in Chief of the CIA by default, John has been on the team longer than any current members. Raised in Amsterdam, John has been performing improv since 10th grade because, and let's face it, chicks dig improv. John's proudest moment was when he met the President for saving a group of orphans from an attacking Nazi Bear while piloting a fighter jet.  John enjoys dolphins and dislikes finding grenades in boxes intended for chocolate. His biggest fear are pyramids. His favourite game is Superheroes.

Paul Piekoszewski - Vice President Internal
In 1991, a family of howler monkies came out of a theatre after watching Terminator 2 to find a baby crying in a Mercury Villager. They took him in and raised him as their own, feeding him nothing but bananas and whatever grubs they found in his long flowing hair. 19 years later, and Paul has grown into a strapping young man, the product of too much TV and weekly beatings from his older brother (not a howler monkey). Able to catch bullets with his mind, Paul can do improv with the best Carleton University can be bothered to offer.

Brodie Cooper - Vice President External
Brodie Cooper was born and raised in the woods of Muskoka. Growing up in a shanty house, Brodie learned how to skin a bear and fire a shotgun. He’s now bringing these skills to the capital city of Ottawa in hopes of pursuing a degree in Journalism at Carleton University. When he’s not pounding brews with his bros or scoring with hot chicks, he likes to partake in improvised sketch comedy. Brodie’s greatest achievements are: beating Mega Man 3, eating a grenade, and wrestling with a stegosaurus…and winning.  

Victoria Levy - Treasurer 
Ahh, Victoria Levy. What can be said of her that hasn't already been said about Asbestos? Beautiful to look at, dangerous to taste. Victoria has been in Improv for 2 years. She does the bookkeeping for the team with the help of her abacas. In her free time, she loves reading fancy rich people-type books, watching Clifford on DVD, and cruising the Casual Encounters section of CraigsList looking for trouble. Victoria has a blog that  you should read daily. Ask her to tell you The Joke. Ahh, Victoria Levy. Shine on, you crazy diamond. Victoria's favourite game is the dating game. Which she likes to play with Mr. Lando and no one else. 

Adrian Cronk
Powerful. Sleek. Confident. Alluring. Bio-Degradable. These are all words Adrian Cronk struggles to pronounce. Despite his Public School education, Adrian has managed to bring his love for smart-ass wisecracks and LEGO to the Carleton Improv Association. As the Obama-approved half-black guy of the group, Adrian brings just enough chocolate flavor to make white people feel comfortable (like the Kit-Kat in a Lunchable.) Adrian loves teaching people how to Dougie, watching Shaft marathons, and making race car noises with his mouth. Adrian encourages kids to stay in school, so he can have all the drugs for himself.
Adrian's favourite game is Evil Twin.

Chris Henn
The spritiual helm of the improv team, Chris is more in touch with the elements than any of us. Chris is unofficially nicknamed 'Venom' due to the symbiotic relationship he has with his unusually large backpack that he is never seen without. Top scientists have hypothesized that inside the backpack is actually Chris' evil twin whom periodically escapes and terrorizes the community with his views on pairing white wine with veal. And look out ladies, Chris is an eligible bachelor with a mane of hair that only confirms his virility and stamina. Nice. Chris' favourite game is Press Conference.

Tom Lando
Tom Lando is a pretty cool guy. He kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything. He is the focus of a weekly podcast/article feature on www.the-back-row.com called "The Tom Lando Files". His name is written on a bathroom wall on campus. He's huge in Japan, but not in the way you think - he wrote a feature film for a director there. He thinks Improv is very much related to RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons. He WILL tell you about it. Tom Lando's favourite game is The Dating Game

Billy Wray
Billy is the dark horse of the improv team; always ready with some dark humour and stealing everybody's girl.  Unmistakable from a distance, Billy is 9 feet tall and commands a deep, booming voice; he was recently featured in the hit Billy Crystal film My Giant. Billy enjoys fishing for crawdads, spelunking and watching blaxploitation films on mute while listening to old Wham! records to see if they sync up in a significant way. Billy is enjoying mild celebrity as a chef for his unique recipes that include  ingredients like cotton candy, Elmo and old "Menstrique" air fresheners. 

Ryan Lynar
Born of the primordial ooze, Ryan has come a long way up the evolutionary ladder, one day he dreams of using spoons successfuly. Ryan comes to the Carleton Improv Association after having approximatly 0 years in any kind of improv or comedy situation. Ryan tends to spend his spare time playing video games watchiong movies and just generally avoiding human contact. Described by many as that guy who's just a few fries short of a happy meal. Ryan is a big fan of abstract mathamatical constants, the Fibonacci sequence, and  pudding.
Ryan's favourite game is Shift-left, Shift-right.

Sarah Spitz
The Monica Lewinsky to John's Clinton, Sarah has been described with many words, none of which are suitable for publication. Her involvement in the CIA began as a misunderstanding because apparently some people don't make it clear that the CIA doesn't always stand for what you think it does. She has a PhD in awesome and is better than you. Deal with it. Her favourite game is the Question Game. But don't tell anyone. That's classified. 

Adrienne MacDonald
Adrienne only exists as an amalgamation of the various souls she has stolen over the course of her existence as a ginger. When asked to describe Adrienne her closest friends used words like violent, ankle bracelet and salmonella. Although nobody has ever seen Adrienne's living arrangements and lived to tell the tale, it is believed she lives on a large pile of gold and hobbit bones. She claims to have seen Santa Clause once but it turned out to be just a belligerently drunk Finnish skiing instructor. 

AJ Comeau
AJ coined the pick up line "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven...cause baby you're an angel". It is the only successful joke he has ever told. AJ is an English major by day, which is funny because he isn't in any English classes, and pimp by night. He has four gold teeth,  and shaves his legs on a bi weekly basis to make him a faster swimmer. Michael Phelps is his first cousin once removed. AJ is the proud father of Amelia, 2 years old, and Samuel, 3 1/2 years old. He is also a polygamist and cannot decide which wife he loves more. AJ's favourite game is any game that he can play with Victoria. Because he is in love with her and hopes to one day add her to his slew of wives.